First Time Triathletes Should Invest in Triathlon Coaching Services

Training for your first triathlon is a big undertaking. It requires dedication towards three endurance sports at a significant level – swimming, cycling, and running. And, if you’re considering competing at an Ironman event, the commitment required and endurance levels for those races are much higher than the standard Olympic distances. Without previous endurance race experience, you may be facing a level of commitment you aren’t familiar with. How do you plan to keep your endurance race goals within reach?

Start triathlon training on the right foot (and pedal, and stroke!) by enlisting the help of a professional triathlon coach. A triathlon coach will not only develop a training regime that’s right for you and your goals but will also keep you motivated and on track to successfully complete your first triathlon. 

We at the B78 Coaching team have successfully coached hundreds of athletes through their first, second — and even fourteenth — triathlon events. And, we’ve learned that proper training is especially important for first-time triathletes. We’ve gathered our top reasons for how professional coaching services can benefit you as you train for your first triathlon event.

Personalize Your Triathlon Training Plan

A personalized training program for triathlon athletes has multiple benefits that often lead to higher success rates, especially for first-time triathlon competitors. Triathlon training is not a “one size fits all” type of program. Many triathlon-specific training programs can be found online. Still, if it’s not right for you, it can cause more damage and discouragement than beneficial results. 

All bodies, fitness levels, and schedule limitations are different. They require different approaches when preparing to participate in an event as demanding as a triathlon. When you invest in a personalized triathlon training program, you should expect the following:

  • A training schedule that works with your life.

  • Steady improvement, based on your goals

  • Improvements to your technique that are specific to your body

  • Smoother transitions from swimming to cycling to running

Learn Triathlon Nutrition 

When our bodies are training for an endurance sport, such as a marathon or triathlon, they need unique nutritional requirements to accommodate the rigorous physical demands. How the body is fueled directly impacts its ability to function and perform optimally. This means when training to compete in a triathlon, nutrition is a key component.

Learning proper nutrition to support the goals you have for your chosen triathlon event can make your training experience more manageable and rewarding. Understanding what to eat to maximize your body’s potential before, during, and after a triathlon event will positively impact your results. When you employ a coaching team that’s well-versed in sports nutrition, learning how to effectively fuel your body is a no-brainer.

Be Accountable for Your Training

When preparing for an endurance race, consistency is vital. Showing up and doing the work is paramount to achieve the best possible outcome on race day. However, most of us know, staying consistent is often easier said than done. Schedule conflicts, sore muscles, and lack of motivation can quickly derail the best triathlon training plan — especially one not fortified with accountability.

Personal coaching services add a much-needed level of accountability to triathlon training plans. The temptation to skip a swim, bike, run, or scheduled resistance training session is often less appealing when you know someone is closely monitoring your progress.

Understand Triathlon Mentality

To complete an endurance event, don’t forget to adopt the right mindset. And, adapting to a mindset required for triathlon training can be just as tricky as the gruelling physical demands. All transitions, such as training for your first sprint triathlon, can be difficult to adjust too. Having a personal coach that understands mental strategies helpful for endurance training will keep you focused and motivated.

Learn to Maneuver Setbacks

Every long-term training regime will encounter setbacks. Unfortunately, that’s a natural part of the process. Unexpected events such as an injury, changes to work schedules, inclement weather, or illness, inevitably alter even the best-laid endurance training plans. This is a frustratingly common event that all endurance athletes must learn to maneuver.

Professional coaches can guide you through training setbacks in a way that’s physically safe and manageable. At B78 Coaching, we can help you adapt to individual challenges and unique circumstances while keeping you focused.

Be Willing to Learn

At B78 Coaching, we provide coaching services to triathletes, runners, and cyclists. Our programs are tailored to each individual we work with, and we are committed to helping each athlete succeed. To join the B78 team and see your triathlon training efforts really pay-off, contact us today.


How to Overcome Unexpected Endurance Training Setbacks


How Cycling Training Leads to Faster Endurance Running Times